The Weird Crew

The Weird is a crew of artists spread all over Germany and Austria, founded in 2011. The ten members come from a graffiti background and focus on high quality character design in unique recognizable styles. They work as artists, graphic designers, illustrators and lecturers. Each one a serious heavyweight styler, they prefer a maverick illustrative way of designing, no matter if the (art)work is private or a commissioned.
A collective of character painters of this aptitude is quite rare, even in the graffiti world. From the very first group production on, the different artists and their styles combined perfectly. Working together in a group that big is not as easy as it may sound. Everyone with experience in the creative field knows how hard finding matching styles can be. Especially when trying to merge them in one artwork. That, and the friendship among all Weirdos gives a perfect base for a pretty special artist collective.
Being spread out all over Germany and Austria makes it hard to get the whole line-up together in one place at the same time. But each time they managed it, they dropped great walls, finding a lot of enthusiasm among their viewers / witnesses. All ages, from kids to pensioners, stopped and kept watching them painting, coming back and taking photos. And most excited about what The Weird will create are the artists themselves.




Low Bros


Frau Isa

Herr Von Bias



Jeff Soto

Jeff Soto is an artist, illustrator and muralist who has exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. The artist’s distinct color palette, subject matter and technique resonate with a growing audience and bridge the gap between Pop Surrealism and graffiti. Inspired by youthful nostalgia, nature, graffiti, hip-hop and popular culture, his bold, representational work is simultaneously accessible and stimulating.
In 2002, Soto graduated with Distinction from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. In 2008, his work was the subject of an exhibition at Riverside Art Museum. Soto was born and raised in Southern California, where he currently resides with his wife and two daughters.
Soto is represented by Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York City.

The London Police started in 1998 when big English geezers headed to Amsterdam to rejuvenate the visually disappointing streets of the drug capital of the world.
The motive was to combine travelling and making art to create an amazing way of life not seen since the days of King Solomon. From 2002 onward TLP started sending missionaries into all corners of the globe. Known for their iconic LADS characters and precision marking TLP have recently celebrated 10 strong years in the art world and their work has graced streets and galleries in 35 countries during this time.
London policemen have come and gone but founding members are still known to walk the streets of every city in the world spreading love with pens and stickers.
The current duo have managed to form a partnership more cohesive than Han Solo and Chewbacca in Star Wars and are continuing to produce slick artwork that is tighter than a butlers cuff. Never be scared, don’t be a hero and let the good times roll.

It is obvious Termohlen was destined to be a pictorial storyteller who, in his own words, is searching for “the animal nature”. For example, horses are a recurrent theme in his work. His landscapes, filled with animals and men never originate from sketches but are being arranged on canvas by pen right away, form and intuitive. In consequence of that we discover in Termohlens work a “definate fluency” His drawing in pen ,without sketching first, gives his work and working method a permanent yet loose character. The viewer witnesses the painter being at ease and in harmony within his own world. A safe haven from which he keeps on creating new worlds.
Being raised by a creative mother and a father that worked as a painter Super A and his brother got hooked up with drawing and painting at a young age.After finishing school for traditional painting and being to young for art school he headed for graphic school in Rotterdam. After graduating as a graphic designer in 2002 he started to focus on making personal work. Because of his big interest for crafts and having a background in set design he combines painting with three-dimensional work and uses his work to express himself and react on the things that happen around him.
Rutget Termohlen
Super A


Glitches. Lines. Black. White. Space. Negative space. The work of Graphic Surgery crosses many boundaries of genre and production method. They work with design, video, public murals, installation, among other things. What stays the same in their practise is the paired back visual language deployed and the predominantly black and white non colour scheme that has become their trademark.
They do occasionally work with other pallets, but rarely, if so it is usually the natural colour of the surface they are working with. In their project we see the collision of analogue and digital technology. Photocopies of photocopies, photocopied again and again until they become pure abstract forms. These forms and productions owe as much to the urban environment that surrounds them as they do to the history of modern art and design. De Stijl and Constructivism being clear reference points.
The work of Graphic Surgery is caught in suspended animation, even when it’s moving. Erris Huigens. Gysbert Zijlstra. Born 4 days apart from each other. 22nd and 26th of april 1978.

From Brussels, evolving into the NHR and the TsunamiGraffiti Crew, EYES B is a graffiti writer with an interesting point of view. This activist designs some abstract & dynamic environments inspired by some macro views of organic elements. Nethertheless, that’s not a 100% abstract painting, his graffiti pieces still feature some letters written by just the minimum of outlines to be read (like on the vandal tags indeed).
On walls, EYES B is really playing with the full development of bombing : fat cap, skinny cap, flow, line, confusion, spitting, color, vapor, drip…all that seems to be made with no self-censorship.

Denis Meyers

Denis Meyers is a painter, graphic designer and typographer, born in Tournai (Belgium) in 1979.
He arrived in Brussels in 1998, where he graduated in graphic design and typography at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels/ La Cambre.
Since then, this multi-disciplinary artist has been building up a repertoire of artistic experiences, combining rigorous artistic practice with his unfettered urban creativity. His works are immediately identifiable, and are the result of lengthy work, constant questioning of himself, and reflect a subtle mastery of various techniques such as screen printing, typography, painting, engraving and photography. A tireless enthusiast, Denis Meyers draws inspiration from urban life and has fun with it: the city is his playground, which he loves to explore. Since his early days, he has stuck thousands of stickers in some cities of the world, home-printed, and cut out by hand. His main works, faces consisting of black lines and vivid colours, are recognisable at first glance. Although his reputation extends beyond his homeland, Denis Meyers has been collecting large-scale projects, particularly by increasing his collaboration with large companies (Alfa Romeo, Duvel, Eastpack, etc.) or by offering more personalised works such as his involvement in the Versus collective or the staging of various exhibitions. Last but not least, Denis Meyers also devotes his talents to charitable organisations (Sauvez mon Enfant) or the battle against AIDS.


Jaune a débuté dans la rue avec des pochoirs représentant des éboueurs nains qui s’immiscent dans desgraffitis laissés par d’autres. Aujourd’hui, ces petits personnages détournent le mobilier urbain. Ainsi, une barrière de parking se transforme en catapulte, le trottoir en terrain de curling. C’est toujours avec humour que Jaune met en scène ces personnages pour leur faire vivre des aventures improbables au milieu d’un décor urbain.
Jaune en est encore au début de sa carrière, mais a déjà eu l’occasion d’exposer son travail dans différentes expositions, collective ou solo, et il a également participé à plusieures sessions de peinture telle que le Kosmopolite Art Tour à Louvain-La-Neuve, la décoration du carré rotonde au Luxembourg, et d’autre live painting pour différents évènements tel que la journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida...

David Soner
“CALIGRAFITIZM”. That’s the word you would use to describe SONER’s work. It resumes both his influences and inspirations: a mix of calligraphy, typography, graffiti, and graphic design.
His work is composed of letters, curves, and smooth lines, of forms mixing class, finesse, and sobriety. With 29 years of experience in the HIP HOP culture, many years of experience in wall graffiti, and 15 years of experience in graphic design, SONER feels at ease with all kinds of tools (spray, paint brush, marker, pencil, water color, digital…).

Marco Weiten

Marco WEITEN est un artiste qui a su redonner ses lettres de noblesse à la peinture animalière contemporaine. Quelques toiles sont comme des billets d’avion vers un lieu mystique ou s’échangent des regards, le désir et une énergie sauvage unique au royaume animal. D’autres toiles font chanter les couleurs, donnent du rythme aux effusions de rouge, de bleu et de jaune. La chaleur des pigments évoque la nature et sa magie sauvage. Se souciant de réalisme, l’artiste travaille le sujet d’une gestuelle puissante, dans une altercation figurative qui privilégie la force expressionniste de la peinture. C’est dans la nature que cet artist s’inspire pour faire chanter un hymne à ses couleurs acryliques, ça détonne comme tout ce qui concerne la jeunesse et la vie. La couleur est la vie, dans toute sa puissance et sa sauvagerie et cela l’artiste le maîtrise avec aisance.